Monday 30 August 2010

Strange Cheese

I had the weirdest dream last night. I was at some grand awards ceremony, all black tie and international respectability. Then they give a short speech in several languages, and call my name and announce that I'm being celebrated for having invented the equals sign.

So I go up and get given this little trophy that looks a lot like a coin. Then John Humphrys appears, interviews me and then ushers me out through the curtain at the back of the stage.

Stepping down, I realize that I'm outside the headmaster's office in my old school. The school is deserted, so I have a stroll trying to get out, until I reach the science block. As my old form tutor was a physics teacher, I decide to go in and look at the old classroom. I go through, past the lecture theatre and enter the door, but the classroom appears to have been half-converted into a lavatory. A gents' lavatory, to be precise, as the old wooden benches are mostly still there, but there's one big trough running around the walls. 

Which is when I woke up.

Friday 20 August 2010

What It's All About

I've been having some very odd dreams lately.

I intend preserving some for history, and possibly as a record of my own descent into madness.